Sunday, April 19, 2009



My kids are growing up way too fast! The twins are now eight, and my little guy is going to be four tomorrow...yikes! Alaina and Xela are twins but they don't look anything alike, Xela is a little bit smaller than Alaina! Everytime we go somewhere, people ask me how far apart they are, and when I tell them they are twins they don't believe me...oh well..what the heck at least I! Alaina is a very smart girl...loves to read and dance and she's very girlie..!! I swear this girl is a reading machine..!! She loves her date nights with her dad...that is going to Barnes and Noble! As for Xela she is my tomboy...she doesn't like to wear any clothes or make her hair nice! She's pretty lay back and she is doing great despite all the surgeries that she went through, she is a miracle baby! As for my little guy...he thinks he is spiderman. He has so much energy that its hard to keep up with him:) He climbs, jumbs...and pretty much destroys everything in our place...gotta love him for that! Everyday I look at them and marvel at how my Father in Heaven blessed me with them! They are perfect, unique, and special in everyways! They are blessings in my life.....and I am so in love with them:)

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